author Nicolas Cooney

The name:
Nicolas Cooney


  • Apple cider vinegar is the most effective folk remedy for varicose veins. Consider the rules for using this alternative treatment and information on how to use vinegar to treat varicose veins.
    17 December 2021
  • Uterine varicose veins: pathological causes and symptoms. How to treat diseases: taking medicine, exercise therapy and diet, surgery. What are the hazards of uterine varicose veins and how to prevent its development.
    9 September 2021
  • As part of complex conservative therapy, varicose vein massage has a therapeutic effect. What kind of massage can be done for varicose veins? Type, technique, contraindications.
    23 June 2021
  • Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies: rules and restrictions of use, tinctures and infusions, dressings, rubbing, medicinal drinks, fresh juices, ointments, prevention methods.
    6 November 2020
  • Varicose veins: risk factors and prevention. Risk factors. Complications of varicose veins. The symptoms and the diagnosis. Treatment.
    29 May 2020