It is believed that the varicose veins in an effective way can only be cured with surgery. However, it is not so. There are methods of treatment of varicose veins without operation, which allow to drastically reduce the manifestations of the disease, and even completely get rid of it at an early stage. Treatment of varicose veins of the veins without surgical intervention, the so-called conservative therapeutic methods that are currently used actively in phlebological clinics.

Methods of treatment of varicose veins without operation to attract a larger number of patients than the prospect of an upcoming surgery. Of course, launched the varicose veins in 4-6 phase to heal non-operating modes is nearly impossible, but to reduce the pain, reduce the swelling and also visually reduce bulging veins – can.
Treatment of varicose veins of the veins without surgery – the new and modern methods of
Do I have to do the operation on varicose veins? No, absolutely not. The modern methods of treatment allow to get rid of the pain, the heaviness in the legs and visual manifestations disease without a radical intervention. You can not forget and treatment alternatives – recipes of traditional medicine.
Despite the fact that some of the phlebologist refer to methods rather skeptical and in-depth studies in this field in our country have not yet been made, folk remedies still provide very significant positive effect in the treatment of the disease, which is confirmed by numerous cases.
Treatment with medications
Of course, that the treatment of varicose veins of the veins without the transactions between pills, without any other procedure will be ineffective. And when the execution of the veins, and not be in vain. Therefore, pharmacological treatment is necessary to develop in the very early stages of the disease and combine with the methods of folk medicine, the wearing of underwear of compression, the observance of a special diet, and the execution of physical exercises.
During intake of the tablets by varicose veins is also assigned in the final phase of treatment as maintenance therapy. The positive effect of the administration of drugs, usually comes after a couple of days, if there are no hidden complications.
All the drugs that are used for the treatment of varicose veins, they are conventionally classified into several groups:
- Phlebotonics (giving tone blood). Help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, invigorate them, to reduce the viscosity of the blood and improve circulation, preventing the formation of blood clots.
- Anticoagulant (or antiplatelet agents) – drugs, in particular to reduce the clotting of the blood.
- Reduce the swelling of the legs with varicose veins.
- Antioxidants, accelerate the energy metabolism at the cellular level that in turn helps them more quick update. The representatives of this group of vitamins c, E P, e, and B5.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – also anti-inflammatory effect, they also have an analgesic effect, reducing the sensation of pain. As a general rule, only apply to the period of the acute phase, varicose veins, admission to the course does not last more than a week.

Many of these medicines are freely sold in pharmacies, some need to order from an official dealer of the manufacturers.
Herbal medicine
Methods of treatment of varicose veins without operation with the help of herbal medicine – another option for an alternative method to combat the disease. As a general rule, it is not the infusion of a particular plant, and herbal, which is used in combination with traditional medicines.
Treatment complete herbal, especially in the advanced stage of the disease, certainly not getting in, but getting relief is possible. Exactly how they affect herbal for varicose veins?
- Produce the cleaning of the blood and to reduce the viscosity;
- Activate the power of the circulation of the blood;
- Increase the tone of blood vessel walls, strengthen the venous valves;
- Promote the absorption of occlusions of the veins.
Read more on the role of herbal medicine in the fight against varicose veins you can learn from this link.
Remedies of folk medicine
How effective is the pharmacological treatment of any disease, are always the recipes of traditional medicine, contributing to the recovery together with the medical intervention. In principle, many experts are not absolutely against this kind of "support". In the end, the vast majority of drugs is made on the basis of natural components.
Treatment of leech
Hirudotherapy – if there is a real benefit from the use of leeches in the treatment of varicose veins on the legs? Medical studies demonstrate that the positive effect there are really.
- relax the muscles of the legs, and restore the flow of the lymphatic system;
- thinning the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots;
- normalize the blood pressure;
- enzymes secreted leech in the blood, have anti-inflammatory effects.
There are no contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy, they are:
- pregnancy;
- hemophilia (neverthemore of blood);
- malignancies and tumors;
- open sores on the body;
- low blood pressure;
- allergy to the enzymes leeches (extremely rare).

The mini-invasive surgery
Methods of treatment of varicose veins without operations also include minimally invasive surgery is the way to run operations without making cuts on the human body. It is usually the case with the help of small holes or using natural physiological holes on the body. It is successfully used as an alternative to traditional surgery. In the treatment of varicose veins has become the main method of surgical intervention — flebectomia, sclerotherapy, etc.
Laser therapy
The laser treatment is firmly established in modern medicine is thanks to the fact that the surgery with his help it was possible to make, without compromising the integrity of the skin of the patient.
This method is called coagulation endovenous laser (it is possible to meet the name, endovenous obliteration, and the same thing).
Laser coagulation consists of several steps:
- Training – shaving your legs, dressing up in sterile clothing (disposable costumes and robes for the operations that are now sold in almost every pharmacy);
- Taking doppler, in the course of which the phlebologist or surgeon determines the boundaries of affected blood vessels and the places where the venous valves, after that marked them with a felt-tip pen on the skin of the patient;
- The area marked disinfects and takes place under local anesthesia;
- Is made a small puncture of the skin and the surface of vienna;
- In the lumen of the vessel, a catheter is inserted with the optical fiber;
- It takes place tumescently anesthesia – directly injected into a vein medication containing epinephrine, and the anesthetic with the lowest concentration. Besides pain relief procedure has the purpose of protecting nearby tissues from overheating in the event of exposure of the laser, with a narrowing of the vessel diameter.
- It takes place coagulation – "welding" of the ship such as welding;
- After you have completed the procedure, which lasts from 30 minutes to an hour, on the site of the puncture is glued in a patch.
- The final stage will be tough to bandage the legs with an elastic bandage or wear elastic stockings.

The procedure is almost completely painless. In the end, the patient can go home directly.
When you can get a surgery?
How do you know if you need the surgery in the varicose veins or disease can you cure alternative ways? A concrete answer to this question can give only the medical specialist, after a comprehensive study of the body.
Unfortunately, the majority of patients, based on false sources of information, question the professional results of medicine, making medication and that worsens his state.
Of course, the methods of prevention of varicose veins, the introduction of a special diet, the regular shift of inquiry is not to do evil. But the main treatment, the designated doctor must not ever be neglected!