Varicose veins is a common disease characterized by enlarged vascular lumen, dysfunction of valve devices, and regurgitation. Pathological processes can be located in different places, so there are several types of diseases:
- Dilation of esophageal veins;
- Rectal veins (hemorrhoids);
- Veins of the small pelvis;
- The spermatic vein (varicocele);
- The veins of the lower extremities.
Varicose veins on the legs are considered to be the most common. It is estimated that more than 30% of the population suffers from this disease, and most of them are women. Varicose veins on the legs are not only unsightly prominent veins, but also a lot of unpleasant feelings and inconveniences. The pathological process is accompanied by severity, pain, edema, and often leads to dangerous complications: thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers. Many people want to know how to get rid of varicose veins forever, because it can seriously damage the quality of life. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is irreversible, and the only thing that can be done is to prevent or slow down the development of the disease.
The cause of varicose veins is still unclear. It is understood that the disease is related to thinning, weakness and loss of elasticity of blood vessel walls and valve insufficiency. As a result, veins become unevenly expanded, stretched, long, coiled, and nodular. It is believed that genetic susceptibility plays a decisive role in the onset of the disease, that is, from birth, weak blood vessels and valve defects.
There are many factors that contribute to the development of varicose veins, although they are not the cause:
- Genetic (according to experts, people whose parents have the disease have a 70% risk of developing the disease).
- Belonging to women. This is caused by hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, as well as taking hormonal contraceptives and wearing high heels.
- Labor activities related to standing or sitting for long periods of time (hairdressers, salesmen, surgeons, waiters, drivers, accountants, programmers, etc. ).
- In old age, weakening of blood vessel walls and wear of valve devices is a natural phenomenon.
- Operational intervention.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Increased intra-abdominal pressure due to overweight, pregnancy, weightlifting (loaders, weightlifters), chronic constipation, and frequent coughing.
Varicose veins is a chronic process, it starts gradually and only develops over time. So far, it has not been possible to completely overcome this disease, but if complex treatments are used, the development can be slowed down and symptoms can be reduced, including:
- Lifestyle changes;
- diet;
- Physical therapy exercises;
- Compression therapy
- Drugs (internal and topical administration);
- operation treatment;
- Thermal program
- Folk method.
You will have to fight varicose veins for the rest of your life. You should not self-medicate. It is necessary to have an examination by a phlebologist or vascular surgeon, who will diagnose, determine the stage of the disease and the severity of the disease, and prescribe an appropriate treatment plan. The main task is to eliminate or reduce clinical manifestations, prevent progression, prevent recurrence and the development of complications.
The effectiveness of treatment will depend on the patient's compliance with all doctors' recommendations. It is important to seek help early, when there is still no pain, but at night the legs are swollen, heavy and tired, and small spider veins appear on the skin.
Lifestyle modification
Without changing the lifestyle, it is impossible to effectively cope with varicose veins. The rules to follow are completely mediocre, and failure to follow these rules is usually related to a lack of willpower or an irresponsible attitude towards one’s health.
- Maintain a normal weight.
- Separate from bad habits: alcohol and smoking.
- Refuse to sunbathe, go to the steam room and sauna, and take hot baths (including foot baths).
- Reject high heels (no higher than 4-5 cm).
- Wear a special stretch jersey.
- Provide sports activities. This can be walking, swimming, physical therapy exercises and some sports. Mainly exclude squats, weightlifting, long-distance running, jumping, and martial arts.
- Proper nutrition. The diet should include more fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, whole grains, and seafood. It is recommended to reduce the amount of meat. It is necessary to give up smoky, fried, salty, fat. In terms of beverages, priority is given to green tea, purified water, fruit drinks, natural fresh juices and limited coffee.
- Use every opportunity during the day to raise your legs at an angle of about 20 degrees.
- Buy a special pillow for the legs to make it higher than the heart level during sleep.
- Try to wash your feet with cold water as often as possible.
Compression therapy
Today we offer a wide variety of special stretch knitwear. These are knee stockings, stockings, tights of different colors and densities, almost the same as ordinary ones. They have become a good substitute for elastic bandages, which are inconvenient to use and unsightly in appearance.
Special sweatshirts cannot treat varicose veins, but can improve microcirculation, reduce venous pressure, prevent blood stagnation, reduce the diameter of blood vessels, and promote the outflow of venous blood and lymph. A person feels that his legs are very light, and at night he is not so tired and there is no swelling.

At first, it will be difficult if you don't have the habit of putting on compression socks by hand. To make yourself easier, you can purchase special equipment.
According to the pressure applied, there are four types of medical knitwear. You can only wear type 1 compression products, which are considered preventive and designed for healthy people. The rest should be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis and severity of varicose veins. You should be aware that compression products may not be suitable for certain diseases. Pantyhose or stockings are selected by the doctor strictly according to the size, otherwise the expected results will not be achieved.
medical treatement
For the treatment of varicose veins, tablets and topical agents in the form of gels, creams and ointments with various ranges of action are used. They increase vascular tone, improve microcirculation, promote blood flow, and prevent skin changes. The medication is designed to relieve fatigue, heaviness, discomfort, swelling, itching, cramps and pain in the legs. They are strictly allocated separately.
The main treatment for varicose veins is varicose veins. They are made on the basis of horse chestnut, rutin, and grape leaves, and are almost always well tolerated by patients. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, and gels.

It is necessary to apply gel or cream on the legs with varicose veins and rub them with gentle movements every day.
Anticoagulants are used to reduce blood viscosity and reduce the possibility of thrombophlebitis. These are heparin-based ointments that contain cooling additives in the form of menthol, camphor, eucalyptus, etc. In addition to thinning the blood, they can also prevent the development of thrombophlebitis.
For skin changes that cause itching, antihistamines can be prescribed. For inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
operation treatment
To get rid of varicose veins, the affected part of the blood vessel is surgically removed to prevent blood from flowing from the superficial veins into the deep veins. This operation is called phlebectomy. In its classic form, it is used less and less today as new and less traumatic methods of dealing with varicose veins appear. Generally, this treatment is suitable for advanced cases of large vein diameter and disease.
A more gentle method is venuleectomy, in which part of the vein is removed, not through an incision, but through a puncture.
Thermal method
Radiofrequency ablation is considered to be the safest and least traumatic method for the treatment of varicose veins, although it has some contraindications. The method lies in the thermal effect of microwaves, thereby closing the venous cavity. Main advantages:
- Outpatient treatment
- No need for anesthesia and incision;
- Recovery does not take long;
- The procedure is easy to tolerate;
- Can be done in summer;
- There was no bruising, swelling and pain were not obvious after treatment.

Radiofrequency ablation is a low-invasive method for the treatment of varicose veins.
Laser coagulation is another way to treat varicose veins. During the operation, the laser acts on the blood vessel wall. Radiation causes adhesion of the vein wall and complete closure of the lumen. It is performed in the clinic under local anesthesia without incisions. The catheter is inserted into the venous cavity, and the LED is inserted through the catheter to provide radiation. The operation is less traumatic and complications are very rare.
This non-surgical method is one of the most common methods. It is used in small veins and used with surgery as part of a complex treatment. The bottom line is to use a fine needle to inject a special drug that has a hardening effect into the vein. As a result, the blood vessel walls stick together, closing and blocking blood flow. The affected vein becomes a fibrous cord. The main advantages of this method:
- Outpatient treatment
- Low invasiveness;
- Easy to implement;
- The whole process takes about 20 minutes;
- The beauty effect is good.

If the disease starts, complications such as deep vein thrombosis may occur.
Traditional method
Walnut tincture
Pour the chopped unripe walnuts into a glass dish and pour olive oil. Put it in the sun for 40 days. Apply as needed to lubricate the affected area. Continue treatment for about four months.
Cabbage leaves
Remove the cabbage leaves, apply a layer of olive oil on one side, and apply a layer of olive oil to the affected area on this side. Continue treatment for one month.
Horse chestnut
This is one of the most effective folk remedies. In the treatment of varicose veins, a tincture is made from plant fruits. The fruits must be crushed, put into a glass container (3 liters), and then poured into vodka. Take it out in the dark for a month, stirring occasionally. When you are ready, rub the sore spot overnight. External and internal chestnut alcohol tinctures for varicose veins can be bought in pharmacies.

Physical therapy is an integral part of the comprehensive treatment of varicose veins.
When varicose veins appear, there may be questions about whether you can engage in physical education and sports and which sports are useful. Most doctors agree that physical activity in this disease is very important, because dynamic is good for veins, while static is harmful. But it is also important to consult your doctor about what kind of exercise you can do and what kind of load is best. In addition, special treatment exercises can be shown to patients, which are carried out directly in medical institutions. At home, you can also do some simple but effective exercises. Regular exercise can help reduce the symptoms of varicose veins.
- Lie on your back, place the pillow under your feet, and raise it at a 20-degree angle. Close your eyes, relax completely, and take a deep breath.
- In the supine position, raise your legs vertically and rotate your feet in and out alternately.
- Lie on your back and move your legs like riding a bicycle.
- Lie on your back, raise your legs and cross (scissors).
- Stand up straight, lower your arms and bring your legs together. Slowly lift up with your toes, and then lower slowly.
- Walk on the spot without tearing the socks off the floor.
- Sit on a chair, bend your ankles and legs toward you, then bend away from yourself, and then bend your toes in the same way.
- Pour it on the leg with a flexible stream of water (alternating cold and warm).
in conclusion
Varicose veins is an irreversible process, but it must be treated, especially with many modern methods, which must be combined. Without treatment, complications are likely to occur, such as chronic venous insufficiency, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, nutritional ulcers, and even dangerous conditions that may lead to death, such as pulmonary embolism.