How to Treat Varicose Veins in Men's Legs: Stockings, Limbs, Treatment

Sexually strong women develop varicose veins at least as often as women because vein deformation can occur anywhere. In men, however, the appearance of bias is often associated with substantial physical exertion, obesity, and pathological changes in internal organs. If you find a problem, there shouldn't be any particular difficulty in how to treat leg varicose veins in men, as there are many ways to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins

Malformations of the veins in the lower extremities can occur in anyone regardless of gender. The signs and treatment of varicose veins in the legs in men are similar to those in women.

The difference is that women pay more attention to their health and appearance, so they often turn to doctors. When the disease is severely advanced and surgery is required, men usually see a specialist.

Pathology doesn't just affect blood vessels in the legs. In half of people, varicose veins may appear in the abdomen (for example, due to excess body weight), testes (varicoceles), esophagus and stomach, and pelvis small (PMVMT).

Treating varicose veins in different parts of men with medication is another way to fight the disease. Medications can help relieve symptoms, especially in the early stages.

A man drinks medicine for varicose veins on his legs

When prescribing medicines, it is important to consider their compatibility, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

If we talk about the first drug, an appointment is required:

  • Intravenous injections, which increase vein tone, improve blood flow, and reduce congestion and swelling;
  • Anticoagulants that reduce the rate of blood clotting, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which relieve pain and reduce inflammation;
  • Antioxidant that normalizes lipid metabolism, accelerates cell regeneration, normalizes blood circulation.

In addition to the medication, patients also take vitamin and mineral complexes in syrup, tablet and pill form, which allow the body to better fight the disease.

minimally invasive treatment

When questions arise about how best to treat varicose veins in a man's legs, a phlebologist can suggest a method that doesn't require a long stay in the clinic and allows you to recover quickly.

We're talking about a minimally invasive intervention that eliminates violations under local anesthesia:

  • endothermic ablation;
  • Sclerotherapy.

The advantage of this method is that it is painless and less invasive. During the procedure, a small incision or injection with a fine needle is made in the affected area.

In the past, doctors would find out the cause of the disease, because identifying the cause of varicose veins can give you the ability to treat it.

endothermic ablation

This technique allows you to effectively treat varicose veins in men thanks to radiofrequency or laser irradiation to the area with diseased blood vessels.

The essence of the procedure is to use a laser (intraluminal laser ablation, EVLA) or high-frequency radio waves (RFA) to heat the vein wall until the vessel is completely sealed. Thus, blood begins to circulate through healthy veins.

The appeal of endothermic ablation is:

  • operate through small incisions;
  • minimal discomfort;
  • Symptoms were significantly reduced.

After RFA, patients may experience a tingling sensation in the surgical area. Intravenous laser treatment can sometimes cause hematomas, heaviness, and soreness in the legs. Short-term neurological damage is not excluded.


Sclerotherapy (sclerotherapy) may be prescribed if endothermic ablation is contraindicated. It provides injection of chemicals (sclerosing agents) into the blood vessels, and as a result the veins are also sealed.

This technique is most effective when there is a vein affected by varicose veins.

The solution is injected with a fine needle so that the container thickens and closes completely. One of the great advantages of sclerotherapy is that no anaesthetic is required.

To avoid repeated blood flow to the treated vessels, dressings containing hardening substances should be used, and special gymnastics are recommended.

Sclerotherapy for leg varicose veins in men

The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the number of varicose veins, and the patient's own preferences.

Despite its positive effects, minimally invasive surgery does not preclude recurrence and the need for repeated treatments. Among the side effects, blood clots, headaches, hyperpigmented areas and temporary visual disturbances were frequently noted.

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

After figuring out if a man has varicose veins and what causes it to appear, it is necessary to think about its elimination. In mild cases, medical treatment is sufficient, while severe cases require severe surgical intervention.

If varicose veins in men are accompanied by significant worsening of symptoms and complications, conservative treatment and techniques with minimal tissue damage will be ineffective.

peel off

During surgery, the probe is inserted into the foot through an incision proximal to the vein vessel in the affected leg, followed by another incision in the distal region of the vessel. After securing the vein to the probe with a ligature (special thread), the surgeon gently pulls it out.

Often, this procedure is performed multiple times because it is difficult to remove the affected vessel in one step.

A short dissection is a procedure that removes only a small portion of the deformed vein.

Contraindications to the intervention:

  • High risk of postoperative complications;
  • Violation of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the legs;
  • blood clots;
  • Skin infection.

If necessary, peeling is combined with sclerotherapy. This is appropriate if the varicose veins are affected by veins of different sizes at the same time.

minor resection

A common technique that works well for the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs in men. To remove the affected blood vessel, the surgeon makes a 1-2 mm incision and uses a special instrument (Varadi's hook) to pull the vein out, tie it up and thread it through. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia.

Abdominal resection is usually done for:

  • Great saphenous vein diameter;
  • Atypical locations of varicose veins (for example, in the foot area);
  • blood vessels near the surface of the skin.

Surgery is prohibited for patients with hypertension, cardiac ischemia, nutritional ulcers, and infected skin lesions.

Surgical treatment of varicose veins in men's legs

Men who delay surgical treatment may develop cardiovascular disease, serious lesions of the veins and blood vessels.

This technique has many advantages:

  • minimal trauma;
  • high performance;
  • no scars;
  • short recovery period.

In rare cases, bruising, bleeding, and blood clots can occur after surgery. During the process of removing blood vessels, skin color may change for a short time.

Transillumination phlebectomy

This is the modern hardware method to get rid of varicose veins in the legs. The anesthesia used is general or local anesthesia. The vein is removed through one or two small punctures, while an instrument with a built-in cold light source is inserted, which makes it possible to differentiate varicose lymph nodes.

However, practice has shown that this technique can lead to many complications due to the rather rough manipulations performed in the vein.

In particular, this intervention may lead to seals, hematomas, lymphatic leakage, skin hyperpigmentation, and neurological disorders.

traditional treatment

One of the directions of alternative medicine is treatment with folk remedies. Naturally, their use will be effective in the initial stages of varicose veins. For proper treatment at home, coordination with a phlebologist is necessary.

He will tell you which methods are most effective, safe, and which are best to avoid.

Mandala uses

The plant cleanses blood vessels well, promotes the absorption of blood clots, improves metabolism and blood circulation. However, it's important to remember: its seeds are poisonous, so it's dangerous to use drugs from stimulants without your doctor's knowledge.

The recipe and method of using the tincture:

  • The seeds crushed in a coffee grinder (80-100 g) are poured into vodka (0. 5 l) and kept in a dark place for 2 weeks, while the container must be shaken regularly;
  • The initial dose is 15 drops, diluted with half a glass of water, once a day before meals;
  • Increase the daily dose by 1-2 drops to 25;
  • The treatment period is one month.

Mandala is also suitable for compression. To do this, cotton wool is dipped in the tincture, diluted with water, applied to the affected area, covered with a film and secured with a bandage. For this procedure, take the same dose of medication as used internally.

Honey, Garlic and Lemon

It's hard to overestimate the beneficial properties of this combination, often referred to as the elixir of youth. They can be used individually or together and only enhance the effect.

For example, honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and blood vessel dilating properties. It eliminates cholesterol accumulation, affects metabolic rate and removes toxins.

Lemons contain a lot of ascorbic acid. Thanks to him, the work of the circulatory system is normalized and cholesterol plaques are absorbed.

Garlic is known for its ability to fight infection and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is an excellent drug for improving the elasticity of blood vessels.

Recipe example:

  1. The lemon should go through the meat grinder twice with the skin and all the contents (5 pieces) and the garlic (5-6 cloves). Mix gruel with honey (500 g) and place in a glass container. For treatment, you need to use 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Mixture pre-diluted in 1 cup of water.
  2. The mixture prepared as above must be transferred to a 3-liter jar and completely filled with warm water. The container will keep in the refrigerator for 10 days. Before use, strain liquid and consume 1 tablespoon. l. Dilute 2 times a day.

Don't forget that these products can cause adverse reactions. They are not intended to be used for allergies, acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, renal failure, diseases of the genitourinary system.

green tomatoes

Traditional medicine recommends applying green tomato slices to painful veins. This should be done for a long time at night. The secret to the method lies in the content of lycopene, an antioxidant that increases the elasticity of blood vessels and protects them from free radicals.

The substance prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, which are responsible for the formation of cholesterol plaques and blockage of the lumen of blood vessels.

Not only can tomatoes be used for compresses, but they can be eaten regularly.

Nettle Treatment

The composition of the plant determines its strengthening and nourishing properties. Nettle reduces the viscosity of the blood, thus ensuring its proper circulation. It clears congestion, accelerates the regeneration process and prevents the appearance of cholesterol buildup.

How to use nettle:

  1. Leaves (1 tbsp. L. ) in a container, fill with water (200 ml) and set on fire. After boiling, the stove must be turned off. The cooled broth is filtered and consumed 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  2. Dried plants (6 tablespoons liters) must be poured with vodka (0. 5 liters) and kept in a dark place for 2 days. The tincture is taken 1 tablespoon before meals. l. 3 times a day, also for compression.

The first positive results are only observed after 2-3 months, but the process should last longer.

Treatment of varicose veins with nettle decoction

Nettle products are contraindicated in patients with allergic reactions, diabetes, nutritional ulcers, and hypertension.

other recipes

If varicose veins in the legs in men are accompanied by characteristic symptoms, many other folk remedies will help:

  1. Mix kefir with chopped wormwood to make a paste. Apply the mixture to gauze and apply to problem areas overnight. After 5 days of treatment, rest.
  2. Pour grated nutmeg (1 tsp) into boiling water (1 cup) and add honey (1 tsp). Consume this drink for 30 minutes an hour before a meal and then 2 hours later.
  3. For the tincture, you will need to pour in alcohol (0. 5 liters) horse chestnut flowers (50 grams) and soak for 2 weeks. Shake the medicine daily. Hospitality Plan - 1 Tbsp 3 times a day. l. , rinse with water.

Important: Nutmeg relieves pain and accelerates the healing of trophic ulcers. However, failure to comply with the norm can have dangerous consequences. It is allowed to take no more than 3-5 grams at a time.

Topical treatment

For varicose veins of the lower extremities, external medication is recommended. Ointments and gels are useful for men with diseased blood vessels in the legs, which are especially good at eliminating the first manifestations of unpleasant disease.

Compared to ointments, gels have a lighter consistency and absorb quickly into the skin, delivering healing substances to the affected area in a short period of time.

alternative therapy

Both women and men suffer from varicose veins, and the causes of this condition are varied. In response to signs of disease that become more pronounced as the disease progresses, phlebologists recommend taking action in a complex manner.

In other words, patients with venous malformations of the legs should supplement their medication with compression stockings, some exercise, and a massage routine.


Physiotherapy exercises, although not completely eliminating the pathological manifestations, significantly improved the condition of the veins. Don't just train in the presence of disease. Gymnastics is an excellent way to prevent leg varicose veins in men.

The main thing is that the exercises are chosen by the phlebologist, since it is important to take into account the severity of the disease, accompanying pathology and other factors.

For varicose veins, it is useful to do the following:

  1. Simulate cycling on the floor or in bed. After 30 leg spins, you need to take a break.
  2. Sit in a chair and alternately lift your socks, then your heels (20-30 reps).
  3. Lie on your back with legs straight and toes flexed (20 reps).
  4. Walk on tiptoe in several ways. You can stay put.

A good solution is to cycle in fresh air every day. As a last resort, an exercise bike at the gym or at home will do.


There is no doubt that men suffer from varicose veins. Therefore, they also need an effective pathological treatment. Regarding massage, a properly performed procedure can help reduce pain in the lower extremities and improve blood circulation.

A similar approach to dealing with violations is most effective in stages of illness where there are no obvious symptoms.


  • Injuries, skin cuts on the legs;
  • fever condition;
  • inflammatory or infectious processes;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

It is recommended to entrust the massage to a qualified specialist. It is important to be very careful if one decides to do this procedure on their own.

Before the session, it is necessary to keep the leg in an elevated position and then apply an anti-varicose ointment.

Massage male leg varicose veins

Massages must be performed regularly before the first effects appear.

Fight the signs of varicose veins with:

  • stroking from ankle to knee;
  • circular motion of the calf;
  • Intense massage of the thighs;
  • Circular and tortuous movements in the lumbar region.

At the end of the procedure, put on stockings or use an elastic bandage.

compression underwear

Wearing a knitted sweater with compression properties allows you to evenly distribute the load on your lower extremities, eliminates the feeling of heaviness and fatigue, and also avoids the progression of pathology.

Manufacturers produce underwear for women and the strong.

Medical jerseys are presented in the form of products:

  • golf;
  • socks;
  • tights.

Choose one or the other option considering the location of the deformed vessel.

In addition, the stage of the disease is important:

  1. With initial indications, a knee high with a compression rate no higher than 21 mmHg is appropriate. Art.
  2. For men with pressures up to 32 mmHg, progressive varicose veins and thrombophlebitis require the use of stockings from varicose veins. Art. They also prescribe it after surgery.
  3. Class 3 knitwear (pressure indicator - up to 46 mmHg) is required in the presence of lymphovenous insufficiency, nutritional impairment.
  4. If there is a severe pathological form, with thrombosis and lymphedema, you should wear underwear with a compression of 49mm or more. room temperature. Art.

To prevent irregularities, especially during the postoperative period, prophylactic knitwear (15-18 mm Hg) is recommended.

Varicose veins in men are treatable if you seek prompt help from a phlebologist. The longer the disease is present and the more severe the symptoms, the higher the risk of dangerous complications.