Diet essence for varicose veins
- Vitamin E (tocopherol) ensures the elasticity of blood vessels. Sufficient amounts are found in sprouted grains, egg yolks and vegetable oils.
- Ascorbic acid thins the blood and eliminates inflammation of blood vessels. Berries, tomatoes, citrus fruits and kiwi are rich in vitamins.
- Rutin is considered an essential vitamin for healthy blood vessels. It is found in citrus fruits (especially the peel), blackcurrants, nuts and green tea.
- Bioflavonoids are beneficial substances that promote venous circulation. These substances are mainly found in dark cherries.
- Copper is needed to produce adequate amounts of elastin in tissues, which helps prevent the appearance of vein "nodules. "Seafood contains large amounts of copper.
- Fiber forces the digestive system to work and prevents constipation - one of the factors that lead to varicose veins. Fiber is found in plant foods, bran, and grains.
- Water thins the blood, improves blood flow and reduces the load on blood vessel walls.
Diet for varicose veins in lower limbs
- Rapid fatigue of the legs;
- Unexplained bruises and spider veins;
- Lower limb joint pain.
Diet for Varicose Veins and Thrombophlebitis
Diet for pelvic varicose veins
- If possible, eat a few slices of pineapple each day;
- Prepare the medicine: 200 grams of peeled garlic, chopped, and mixed with 300 ml of honey. A week away. Take 1 tablespoon of the finished mixture. Use a spoon before each meal;
- Sea kale is considered an excellent remedy for varicose veins. It should be consumed several times a day for 3 months;
- It is recommended to eat a handful of pine nuts every day;
- It is useful to add a little nutmeg to your food, along with cinnamon and ginger.
Diet for esophageal varices
- The number of meals should be divided into 5-6 times and the portions should be small.
- Food should be crushed and chewed thoroughly, and it is best to cook the food into a semi-liquid form to avoid damaging the esophageal wall.
- The last meal of the day should be eaten approximately 4 hours before bed.
- It is not recommended to sleep on a low pillow to prevent stomach contents from refluxing into the esophagus.
- It is necessary to greatly limit (or preferably eliminate) the consumption of fats, fried, smoked foods, canned foods and dishes containing spicy spices and large amounts of salt.
- Fasting days work well: days when fasting from watermelon, melon, and freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices are particularly popular.
Diet menu for varicose veins
- We had oatmeal with raisins for breakfast.
- As a second breakfast, you can make a smoothie of kiwi and orange with honey.
- Lunch - buckwheat soup and vegetable salad with Borodino bread.
- Snack - fruit yogurt.
- We had a piece of boiled fish and a seaweed salad for dinner.
- For breakfast, prepare a serving of low-fat cottage cheese, fruit and honey.
- For the second breakfast, jelly or mousse is more suitable.
- We had pumpkin porridge and grilled eggplant with tomatoes for lunch.
- As a snack - carrot and apple salad with yogurt.
- Dinner: A side of mashed potatoes with beet salad.
- Breakfast: rice pudding with plums.
- The second breakfast was roasted pears, honey and nuts.
- You can have onion soup and vegetable casserole for lunch.
- Snack - a glass of tomato juice.
- Dinner – steamed chicken meatballs with vegetables.
- We had steamed cheesecake and fruit for breakfast.
- Second breakfast: yogurt and fruit smoothie.
- We had tomato soup and carrot steaks with sour cream for lunch.
- Have a snack and a green salad.
- For dinner, cook chicken breasts in mint sauce.
- Breakfast: Whole wheat bread with peanut butter.
- Kefir with berries is suitable as a second breakfast.
- We had lunch including okroshka and stuffed tomatoes.
- Snack: Freshly squeezed apple juice.
- We had a piece of steamed salmon with lemon sauce.
- We had buckwheat pancakes and applesauce for breakfast.
- Second breakfast - a handful of pine nuts or dried fruits.
- We had rice soup and a fish casserole for lunch.
- Snack - Apple with cheese.
- We had a vegetarian pilaf for dinner.
Varicose vein diet recipes
- Kiwi and Orange Smoothie– A healthy sweet and sour drink that’s so easy to make. All you need is a blender and ingredients: peeled oranges, kiwis (you can also add oranges or other fruits if desired), a teaspoon. It is also recommended to add a few pieces of edible ice to keep honey fresh in summer. Grind all the product in a blender and pour into a glass or glasses.
- Grilled Eggplant with Tomatoes- Healthy eating dishes. Ingredients: two medium-sized eggplants, 4 tomatoes, 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, vegetable oil, sour cream, spices. Let's start cooking: wash the eggplant and cut it into slices (about 5 mm), and cut the tomatoes into slices as well. Peel the garlic and squeeze it through a press, or just chop it finely. Sprinkle the eggplant slices with a little spice and place them on a sheet coated with vegetable oil. Bake in the oven until golden brown, then flip to the other side. Place the cooked eggplants on a plate, adding 0. 5-1 teaspoon in each circle. Mix sour cream with garlic and top the sauce with a slice of tomato. The dishes can be served to the table in this form. You can sprinkle with grated cheese or sesame seeds if desired.
- prune pudding- A good alternative to regular boring porridge. Ingredients required: 100 grams of round rice, 600 ml of milk, sugar, 2 eggs, lemon zest, and cinnamon. Cooking: Add sugar (about 60 g, as appropriate) and lemon zest to the milk. Put on the fire, bring to a boil and add the rice. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, add the diced and washed dried fruits and put the rice in the oven at t° + 120°C for about 40 minutes. Stir the rice a few times while it cooks. Remove the cooked rice and allow to cool. Meanwhile, separate the yolks from the whites. Add the egg yolks to the rice and mix well. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg whites and stir until stiff, then carefully fold into the rest of the mixture. Place in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes more - this can be done directly in the pan or portioned into special moulds. We put this dish in it. To serve, sprinkle with cinnamon. You can also top it with honey or fruit sauce.
- mint sauce- A delicious addition to chicken breasts. Ingredients: 75 ml of red wine vinegar, 25 grams of sugar, fresh mint leaves (about 10 grams), 1 small onion (sweet variety is best). Mix vinegar, sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Grate the mint leaves and onion, add to the vinegar and place in the refrigerator for a few hours (at least 2-3 hours). Serve with meat.
- peanut butterUse for a quick and healthy breakfast, or for preparing a variety of sauces and main dishes. We will need: 200 g roasted, peeled peanuts (without salt and pepper), ½ tsp. Salt, 40 ml vegetable oil, 5 g honey. Pour the nuts into a blender, add salt and honey and grind at maximum speed for about 1-2 minutes. Add oil, mix and turn mixer on again for 2 minutes. After the paste is made, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 1. 5-2 months.
- Buckwheat Pancakes– Thin, perfect for any filling, or simply served with sour cream. Ingredients: 1 cup buckwheat flour, 1 cup kefir, appropriate amount of salt and sugar, 1 cup water, 2 eggs, vegetable oil. Beat the eggs, add kefir, a pinch of salt and sugar. Mix everything. Gradually add buckwheat flour, stirring constantly. Then add water little by little, knead and control the consistency of the dough. Fry pancakes in a small frying pan coated with vegetable oil.
What can you eat if you have varicose veins?
- Berries, fruits, vegetable dishes (tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, citrus fruits, kiwi, pears, grapes, watermelon, eggplant, pumpkin, melon);
- Nuts (except walnuts);
- Berries that reduce the permeability of blood vessel walls (cranberries, currants, cherries, blueberries, sea buckthorn);
- Various cereals (porridge, side dishes, casseroles and soups - buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice);
- Lean fish, seafood, seaweed;
- Dried fruits (various);
- Tea, fermented dairy products, cheese, mozzarella cheese;
- vegetable oil.
What should you not eat if you have varicose veins?
- candy. These include baked goods, sweets, cakes, jams, chocolate, condensed milk, cakes, ice cream made from white flour.
- Hot seasonings: black pepper, chili pepper, mustard, horseradish, hot sauce, mustard, etc.
- Carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, store-bought juices.
- Salt and sugar.
- Fatty meat products: pork, lard, meat with layers of fat.
- Marinades, pickles.
- Canned fish and meat products.
- Rich broths, jellies, aspics.
- Banana, pomegranate.
- Full-fat sour cream, cream, processed cheese, butter.
- Legumes: lentils, broad beans, peas.
- Walnut.