New methodologies in medicine allow you to get rid the affected blood vessels of the lower limbs is practically painless with small lesions. The operation for varicose veins laser – an excellent alternative to surgical treatment. In some cases, is assigned to the intravenous therapy of coagulation? The reasons for the operation is not little, and are not susceptible to local or preformed treatment:

- varicose veins, which were affected in large and important to the life blood;
- heaviness and swelling of the lower limbs, which do not lend themselves to another method of treatment;
- on the skin mantle, the detected changes in trophic;
- the lower limbs are covered with sores, who do not act drugs with a local impact.
How is the operation? The surgeon faced hit the ship makes a cut, and introduces a special probe with a laser tip. Laser hill hit the ship, after that is done your next cut and continue the recovery of the veins. The disease is characterized by vascular lesions of the lower extremities, in which occurs an acute disorder of blood circulation. Varicose veins is dangerous, that creates all the conditions for the development of thrombophlebitis in the system of the inferior vena cava. This kind of complications usually lead to the emergence of a long-term that do not heal venous leg ulcers. No less serious risk to the health of the patient is detached from the vascular wall of a blood clot, which is often the main cause of heart attack, stroke, thromboembolic syndrome. Mainly this occasion, and brings the sick to think that they need an operation for the removal of varicose veins on the legs.
But some patients ignore such serious consequences-and prefer to ignore the symptoms of the disease. Varicose veins of the lower limbs is complicated and along the stream malocclusion, related to the birth of heaviness and pain in the limbs. Not always the methods of medical treatment lead to the expected result, therefore, have to resort to surgery. Particularly important drastic measures in the presence of trophic ulcers, which can lead to extremely serious consequences, including the participation and the infection. The removal of varicose veins on the legs can only be carried out in the presence of stroke forms of the disease. Indications:

- the extension of the lumen of the blood vessels above the norm;
- the formation of blood clots;
- needless to the treatment of the disease of drugs and folk remedies;
- the violation of the circulation;
- leg pain and a constant feeling of fatigue.
The operation is performed step-by-step still, the aesthetic, when a woman does not like the look of the legs. The surgical treatment of expansion of the vascular lumen, occurs in a variety of ways. The choice of method depends on conditions of the body, the phase of the malocclusion and of other concomitant diseases that may be contraindications. For example, it correctly selected the method of treatment may cause dangerous complications in diabetes mellitus, acute infections, and immunodeficiency.
Sclerotherapy is an introduction to the vessel lumen of the needle through which is served with medication, able to sew together the venous walls. This manipulation is carried out with the application of a local anesthetic. After the procedure, blood sklerosiruta, and the blood stops for him. Immediately after the intervention shows wear by tightening the dressings, which help to maintain the result. Flebectomia is an operation which aims to remove pathologically altered blood. With this purpose, they use different ways:
- Extraction through a small puncture with the use of a hook.
- The removal of a fragment from the affected areas with miniature cuts.
- Combined method. Involves a combination of these methods and laser.

Flebectomia is an operation which aims to remove pathologically altered blood. Before the intervention of a doctor does the ULTRASOUND of the veins. Ultrasound helps to differentiate the area affected and healthy areas. Coagulation in laser treatment of varicose veins laser) is the most effective method. The procedure is safe and minimally invasive. Through a small puncture in the diseased vessel, is introduced in the subtle transactions, which emits a laser light, the wavelength of the required frequency. When this happens the heating in the area of impact. Consequently, the walls of the veins welded, which eliminates definitively the problem. The application of laser techniques gives the lowest number of relapses. The surgery is performed in severe cases-and in front of the surgical removal in the quality and quantity of the favorable results.
The hardening
The hardening allows you to fill the jar therapeutic use of a substance that prevents the blood stream and reduces the diameter of the pathological area. In this case, apply 2 medicine — sclerotherapy and foam. The first substance medicine the hill the walls of the veins, and the second only fills an area, resulting in its blockage. Both types of drugs administered through a small puncture. The exact location of the problem can be detected using doppler. The hardening allows you to fill the jar therapeutic use of a substance that prevents the blood stream and reduces the diameter of the pathological area.
Stripping is carried out with the help of a miniature probe, which is inserted through a small incision and paste the pathological stage of the ship, then exposed on the surface and is removed. Another type of operation — cryotrapping. In the course of an intervention in vienna, the injected liquid nitrogen, which brings the region to degradation and makes it non-functional. The process takes about 40 minutes. They do it under general anesthesia, and with the use of local anesthesia.

Preparation for surgery includes the respect of mandatory rules, which involve:
- The rest of the blood analysis to determine the overall health of the body. The procedure is carried out step-by-step, on an empty stomach for a couple of days before the surgery.
- Chest x-ray. It is necessary for the elimination of tuberculosis.
- The research of the blood for the presence of HIV infection, which can lead to serious complications after manipulation.
- The rejection of the consumption of food for 6 hours before surgery. This rule must comply only in the case in which the operation is performed under general anesthesia.
- A cleansing enema. Also applies in case of impossibility of removal of the vein with the use of local anesthesia.
Do I have to before the operation, inform the physician about the presence of an allergic reaction to some substance medicine.
How to do the operation
Depending on the nature of the intervention applies his technique of surgery. When sclerotherapy are provided for the following steps:
- The patient takes necessary for the installation, depending on the location hit the ship.
- The doctor produces local anesthesia by the introduction of the injection of Novocaine.
- With the help of a long needle made puncture. The syringe is introduced to the desired depth. Then takes place the injection of the drug. Immediately after the venous the walls begin to stick together. And only in that place, where is located pathological area.
- Specialist requires a close bandage and send the patient home.

When sclerotherapy with the help of a long needle the puncture, and is injected the drug, the adhesive, the walls of the blood vessels. Flebectomia implies more a minimally invasive operation. If the volume of pathologically altered tissue large, and then apply the technique, which involves 2-3 of the incision. If you have a small snippet using a small hook. The operation can be carried out under the town and local anesthesia. In the first place is carried out antiseptic treatment of the limb. After that the affected area vienna recovered on and remove, if necessary by the application of the seams. Laser coagulation is performed step-by-step even under general or local anesthesia. After the relief from the pain of a lost limb, treat with antiseptic (this is Chlorhexidine) and through miniature prick slowly advancing subtle transactions, which powers the laser. Reaching the problem of the hearth, a light-guide, it dissolves the wall of the vessel under the action of heat. As A result of a vessel, closed, and decreases in diameter. The hardening is similar to the procedure of sclerotherapy. But in the first case you use different substances depending on the nature of the problem. Connect vienna the drug is injected with the help of needle and local application of pain relief. Control for handling, the doctor performs when you run the monitoring process on the monitor screen. The operation requires no more than 30-40 minutes.
Stripping involves a small cut or puncture. It all depends on the mass scale. Stripping involves a small cut or puncture. It all depends on the mass scale. The probe goes up the pathological area, the welds, then the doctor will tighten the tool and pull out the affected area of the ship on the surface of the skin. Modified part, it is removed. If necessary, suture. Removal of the varicose vein can be performed only by a surgeon experienced in process control the ultrasound machine. The rehabilitation continues 6 months. At this time do not try to lift things weighing more than 8 kg. The first month you must wear compression stockings for the regulation of the functioning of the venous system and to prevent complications. As the healing this therapy, physiotherapy, swimming, active walking etc.... it is Necessary to follow the mass of the body. Are possible post-operative complications: recurrence, hematoma, thromboembolism, cicatricial changes of the skin with small knots. The most common consequence are considered to be pain that may be present in 1-2 months.
Indications for the removal of the veins

The surgery in the varicose veins can be carried out only in the presence of indications to the removal of the blood vessels:
- the veins change has affected most of vienna;
- severe pain and swelling of the feet during physical activities that prevent you from leading a normal life;
- education open wounds and ulcers on the background of the development of the disease. Dangerous the accession of a secondary infection;
- violation of the patency of the blood through the vessels, often accompanied by convulsions;
- express the development of necrosis of the blood vessels;
- pathological changes of the veins, followed by their extension and the protrusion. Edit dangerous from the trauma to the blood, and delivers aesthetic discomfort;
- the formation of blood clots in veins.
When carrying baby can also be observed violation of the state of the veins of the legs. Often the malocclusion is eliminated only after the birth. In the presence of contraindications to surgery dangerous deterioration of the condition of the patient and even fatal. After the removal of the veins by surgery or laser method, there is the risk of developing complications. Negative reactions can occur because of low qualification or a specialist due to a violation of the rules in a period of rehabilitation. The possible complications of flebectomia, and intravenous clotting. The operation of removal of the veins of the legs with varicose veins can cause some effects. At times manifests itself in the form of bruises. During the course of both operations can develop an allergic reaction to anesthetics. The operation of removal of the veins of the legs with varicose veins sometimes accompanied the development of complications, to prevent the pop-up amount required:
- the test of allergic reaction to the drugs used;
- exception of infectious disease and inflammatory processes in the body prior to the beginning of the operation;
- selection verified clinics with highly qualified staff and with modern equipment;
- the respect of the rules in the recovery period. Especially the wearing of underwear of compression;
- the diet in the recovery period (referred to a specialist after the procedure). In the diet increases the amount of clean water, your food intake is produced in small portions, the diet enriched with vitamins and minerals;
- rest your feet during working hours;
- pass the inspection after the intervention for the monitoring of the dynamics of recovery of the limb;
- massage and attend physiotherapy for quick recovery blood flow.

When it detects anomalies that are not valid with this operation, it is necessary to contact a clinic. The removal of varicose veins on the legs, it is possible to spend a surgical technique free of charge in public facilities. But these operations are carried out not in all the city, and wait for long queues in a few months. When you choose the step of a payment transaction in the private clinics range of price depends on the method, skills and compensation of a health facility. When the execution of forms removal of the blood vessels is through surgery. The method of treatment is determined not only by the desire of the patient, but also the presence of indications and contraindications to the procedure. The effectiveness of the therapy depends on the skill of the physician and the execution of the rules of foot care after the surgery.In the price is also added to the price for professional advice and service of ULTRASOUND control. Varicose veins is suitable conservative therapy only in the early stage of the development of malocclusion.
This disease is highly young in our time. This happens due to a sedentary lifestyle (even if the constant work on the legs can cause an outbreak of disease), the movement only on the means of transport, excessive weight, the environmental situation in the world, a generic predisposition to diseases of the blood, etc the first stage of varicose veins is well suited for the conservative treatment methods. But if the disease is gone already far and continues to progress, you should think about the line, the way to deal with the health problems your ,or someone. Right carried out by a skilled surgeon the operation to removal of the vein – is a guarantee of complete healing from the suffocating, exhausting disease. Today, such operations are carried out by highly qualified experts in medical centres equipped with the most modern equipment, and do not represent any danger for the life and health of the patient.